Its ok but has a silly flaw
Normally sales are really important to a company. How about adding a "purchase" button in a book sample? Is it so hard to do that, and why is it so hard for me to find it if there is one? So what happens when you download a sample, is that the sample book will nicely show up and once youre done reading; you have a million options and things to check about the book except simply just purchasing! So back to the amazon app and manually typing in the title and purchase it there. Stupid of course. Then when you bought it you have a sample in your library + the full version. As if you want to read the sample ever again after purchasing the full book. Very daft. But its a good app besides this 1% annoyance.
Dggiugggddderbbhhddddd about
Kindle – Read Books, eBooks, Magazines, Newspapers & Textbooks, v5.12.1